Our Kitchen will be closed until May 18

Hi Cheesecake Family ❤️ Sadly my first entry since we launched this website is to let you know my kitchen is closed temporarily and we will not be taking orders until May 19th or restocking at Avenida, Symons and Prairie Horizon until May 20th

My father passed away peacefully of natural causes yesterday. We chatted on Sunday when I dropped off groceries even though he is hard of hearing, and he seemed better than ever. Over the last 24 years he has had a heart attack, been on dialysis and at the age of 62 he was blessed with a kidney (a miracle as the 2nd person had not shown up to receive it), triple bypass less than 48 hours after the transplant (again miracle) and a stroke only 4 years ago. With my mom at his side, they overcame these obstacles, nothing is easy but the strength in mind, body and spirit is so evident. They only retired from their courier business a year ago, and on Sunday my mom was talking about another business venture. My parents are incredible.

I’m overwhelmed with lots of different feelings and angry that Covid is preventing us to be with our friends and extended family - and that Fernandez Clan is a big one. I’m trying to be grateful that we could do our prayers on zoom and astonished at how many faces we saw last night. We’re so fortunate to have a strong foundation of family and roots so deep that you always know someone is there to hold you up. ❤️❤️❤️

I realize I don’t have to share these details and oddly enough on my website blog but my life has been family, cheesecake and basketball and when you wake up at 4:30am thinking about how to let your customers know you’re taking a break, I guess this is the end product … and why not? I have had the privilege of being part of many of your celebrations, cravings and indulgences and today I’m sharing with you a piece of my life. I could delete it and keep it short but truthfully, this ended up being therapeutic to share with you. If you made it this far in the post, thank you for sticking around. Be well, safe and let those know how much you Love them ❤️❤️❤️


COVID-19 Response Plan